Three Little Lambs
Friday, January 16, 2004
Hello. Meet my daughter, my blessing, Eugenia.

She grows a little every day, learns something every day, shows me something new every day.

Since I was a teenager, I reflected on this quote so often and hoped that I could fulfill its truth:
Compassion, not unlike love, abolishes the distance between people and if virtue will always be ready to assert that it is better to suffer wrong than to do wrong, compassion will transcend this by stating in complete and naive sincerity that it is easier to suffer than to see others suffer. -Hannah Arendt
But when Eugenie was born, I remember... right after I counted her fingers (she has all ten fingers and toes) I looked at her palm to read her fortune and my heart jumped: her life would be richer and happier than mine. :)
"Cosette, the time has come for me to tell you your mother's name. It was Fantine. You must not forget it, Fantine, and you must bow whenever you speak it. She loved you greatly and she suffered greatly. She was as rich in sorrow as you are in happiness. That is how God evens things out. He watches us all from above and knows what he is doing amid his spledid stars. And now I must leave you, my children. Love one another always. There is nothing else that matters in this world except love." -Jean Valjean to Cosette and Marius on his deathbed. Les Miserables par Victor Hugo
I can only hope. :)