Three Little Lambs
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Sleep, Interrupted
you know... there was this poem on the ttc which really made me wonder about babies and their thoughts. without complications of language and semantics, they must have such pure and genuine thoughts. supposedly, one cannot tickle themselves because the phenomenon of laughing from tickling only occurs when someone else does it (go ahead try it). so the ability to laugh when you tickle babies is supposed to indicate the understanding of self and non-self. so before she laughed, she just knew "hungry! HUNGRY!"? and now it's "i am hungry. you there [previously-functioning gestational-device] bring me food!"?
now, laughing is interesting in babies. we used to do everything we could in order to placate poor eugenie when she cried. but when she smiles and laughs... oh, what a feeling! but i am finding interesting what things make her laugh. laughing can also be indication of advanced intellectual development in babies when they laugh at inconsistencies: seeing somebody without their glasses, seeing the world upside down... [sigh]

anyhow. decided to take eugenie swimming for the first time.