Three Little Lambs
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Eugenie. :) I will never have enough Nemo, Junglebook, Incredibles, Monsters Inc., Aristocats, Pooh, Wiggles, Treasure Island, Beauty and the Beast, Toy Story, Dora, Thomas, Fantasia, Bug's Life, Mulan, Aladdin, Ice Age, Barbie, Lilo and Stitch, Shrek, Baby Einstein, Sword in the Stone, Caillou, Bob the Builder, Rubbadubbers, Farzzle's World, Dragon, Max & Ruby, Backyardigans, Franklin, Corduroy, Babar, Angelina Ballerina, Bear and Blue House, Teletubbies, Blue's Clues, Berenstain Bears, Comfy Couch, Sesame Street, Elmo, Mole Sisters, Oswald, Little People, Timothy goes to School, Daniel Cook, and of course, Barney. I love you so much.